More on Sotomayor's Catholicism

Patricia Zapor of Catholic News Service takes on the question of Supreme Court nominee Judge Sonia Sotomayor's religious practice. Zapor found this:

[Sotomayor] has been described on background by the White House as someone who was "raised as Catholic and attends church for family and other important events."

Jesuit Father Joseph O'Hare, the retired president of Fordham University who served with Sotomayor on a New York City campaign finance review council, said when he knew her beginning in the late 1980s she was indeed a practicing Catholic. He said he has no reason to think that has changed. They have stayed in touch intermittently, and he said she gave his name as a reference for her FBI background check.

She would become the sixth Catholic on the current court, joining Chief Justice John Roberts and Justices Antonin Scalia, Anthony Kennedy, Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito.

Zapor also talked with Anthony Picarello, general counsel of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, who said he is studying Sotomayor's judicial rulings. He said:

"on first blush, her religious freedom decisions are encouraging. But there are other fundamental, court-driven issues -- especially abortion and marriage -- where we'll need to take a closer look at the record."

Confirmation hearings will be held in the Senate this summer.

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