Morna Murray to Lead CACG

by Michael Sean Winters

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Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good (CACG) announced today that Morna Murray will take over the leadership of the organization as its new President. Murray was previously senior counsel and policy advisor to Sen. Bob Casey of Pennsylvania and she brings a wealth of knowledge about issues critical to Catholics to her new role, especially poverty, health care, education and juvenile justice.

In a press release from the group, Catholic University professor Stephen Schneck said, “This outstanding appointment will help the Alliance build on its success as one of the most effective Catholic organizations impacting the debate over the role of faith in public life. Morna’s leadership qualities and tireless commitment to the common good are well known on Capitol Hill. This is a tremendous choice.” Sister Carol Keehan, President of the Catholic Health Association, also welcomed the appointment. “Having seen her dedication and skill up close, the Alliance and its members are fortunate to be welcoming Morna Murray as their new president,” said Sr. Carol. “Morna’s distinguished background in advocacy and public policy, coupled with her passion for social justice, make her an ideal fit for the Alliance, which will benefit greatly from her insight and leadership.”

Washington has long needed a progressive Catholic advocacy organization like CACG. Had it been in place before 2004, the nation might have been spared four more years of George W. Bush’s disastrous tenure. But, it is no use crying over spilt milk. CACG is here now and they are doing good and important work. To have snagged someone with the background and intellectual heft of Murray promises that the group’s best years are ahead of them.

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