Morning Briefing

This date in history: March 13, 2013. The College of Cardinals elects Argentina's Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio to be the next pope. Bergoglio takes the name Francis, thus beginning a historic year for the papacy. 

Here are some of the many stories written about Pope Francis on his first anniversary: The New York Times on challenges facing the pope; E.J. Dionne in The Washington Post on Francis’ commitment to the poor; The Boston Globe on the reaction of cardinals; a Chicago Tribune blog on managing expectations; 10 best quotes from the London Free Press; The Associated Press on Francis’ actions during Argentina’s Dirty War; Reuters on changes to the Curia’s secretary of state role. And, an analysis of Pope Francis’ first year by biographer Paul Vallely in The Guardian

In the meantime, the watchdog group is questioning Bergoglio’s response to the priest sex abuse crisis in Argentina. 

And, no charges will be filed against Minneapolis-St. Paul Archbishop John Nienstedt.

Haiti’s first cardinal, Chibly Langlois, celebrates Mass for thousands.

A Lutheran ministry in St. Louis reaches out to local Jews

U.N.’s secretary general criticizes Iran for its human rights record.

“Homeless Jesus” sculpture draws interest in South Carolina town.

On our calendar: The Los Angeles Religious Education Congress begins today.



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