Morning Briefing

Rumors of the demise of the Affordable Care Act, known as “Obamacare,” were not just exaggerated. They have been proved wrong. The goal now is to ensure the reform functions as designed. Whatever the law’s flaws -- and there are many -- it is a big improvement on the status quo. The lasting legacy of Obamacare

Cardinal George Pell's testimony before Australia's Royal Commission investigating child abuse in public institutions coupled with his moving to the Vatican for an important financial post has lead to much analysis and rumination in the church down under. The first three articles come from Eureka Street, a Jesuit-run media site.

A must-read for devotees of Pope John XXIII: John XXIII’s secret “escapes” from the Vatican

Fordham panel: "The Business of Justice" -- Innovation is key in today's fight for social justice

Washington -- USCCB's clergy sex abuse audit finds decline but 'major' limitations

Nigeria -- Church leaders ask national assembly to address inclusion/exclusion of religions in constitution

Zambia -- President calls out bishop who allowed civil society organizations, the church and opposition members to meet on church grounds to discussion constitution drafts. President to bishop: "I’ll Sort You Out"

Philippines -- As education levels raise among the youth, so does unemployment

Catholic Leaders Pressure For Immigration Reform With Religious Act in Border Between Arizona and Mexico. A stunning photo of Bishop Kicanas distributing Communion through border wall.

Albany, N.Y. -- Bishop Hubbard: Budget doesn't help those who need it most

Commentary -- Recharging the Catholic Church’s social justice tradition By Edward Cuddy

PP-header_with-outline.jpgLooking for a little inspiration to begin your day? NCR's sister publication, Celebration, gives you two options, both based on the Scripture readings of the day:

Pencil Preaching is a blog in which Celebration editor Pat Marrin combines Scripture and sketching to reflect on the Word.

DailyBreadBanner.jpgDaily Bread is a series of short reflections written by four authors who meet regularly to share the readings. Daily Bread is intended to help daily preachers and others who pray from the assigned Scriptures each day to orient themselves to the Living Word addressed to the church in the world. It's a great way to begin the day.

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