Morning Briefing

Beirut -- Arrangements are being made for President Barack Obama to meet with Eastern Orthodox patriarchs to discuss persecution of Christians in the Middle East.

U.S. -- Iraqi U.S. Christians are watching a "slow-motion genocide" as ISIS advances.

Q&A -- With James Zogby, president of the Arab American Institute on the persecution of Christians by the Islamic State.

Philippines -- Bishops here launched an appeal to help people displaced by the ongoing conflict in Iraq and Syria. 

Vatican -- Pope Francis tweeted his first-ever photo Friday, an image of Catholic relief in Iraq.



Burundi -- Three Italian nuns were killed at their convent. The motives for the killings are unknown, but two suspects are detained.

Sr. Simone Campbell, executive director of NETWORK is set to launch the third Nuns on the Bus tour next week. The tour will tackle political "dark money." Global Sisters Report will be there for the kickoff rally Sept. 17 in Des Moines, Iowa, and will even ride the bus for the first five days. Global Sisters ReportGlobal Sisters Report , devoted to covering the mission and ministry of Catholic women religious. It offers news, commentary and reflections on spirituality and theology.

Maryland -- NCR back to school coverage of a Catholic school finding its footings amid demographic shifts.

Detroit -- A teacher has been fired from a Catholic school for being pregnant out of wedlock. 

This also happened in Butte, Montana -- A former Catholic school teacher fired for getting pregnant has filed a lawsuit.

And in Albany, N.Y. -- Catholic schools are turning to technology, distance learning to stay afloat.

Video to watch -- Five-time New York Times bestselling author Caroline Myss doesn't hold back in this interview about everything from Pope Francis to women's ordination.

Synod on the Family -- The synod is creeping up on us and a day of prayer has been set for Sept. 28. For all of NCR's synod coverage, click here

Philadelphia -- The World Meeting of the Families logo has been revealed. 

Australia -- A woman has sued a priest after a 15-year sexual relationship ended

Gay marriage -- The debate continues as an appeals court reviews bans in Nevada, Idaho and Hawaii.

Opinion -- Will Catholicism ever bless gay marriage? 

Looking for a little inspiration to begin your day? NCR's sister publication, Celebration, gives you two options, both based on the Scripture readings of the day:

PP-header_with-outline.jpgPencil Preaching is a blog in which Celebration editor Pat Marrin combines Scripture and sketching to reflect on the Word.

DailyBreadBanner.jpgDaily Bread is a series of short reflections written by four authors who meet regularly to share the readings. Daily Bread is intended to help daily preachers and others who pray from the assigned Scriptures each day to orient themselves to the Living Word addressed to the church in the world. It's a great way to begin the day.

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