Morning Briefing

Archbishop Romero's May 23 beatification a sign of hope for El Salvador, where young people face grim futures and escalating gang violence.

Two organizations that minister to the Catholic LGBT community nationally -- Fortunate Families and Catholic Association for Lesbian and Gay Ministry (CALGM) -- are still awaiting word on whether they will receive exhibit space at the September World Meeting of Families in Philadelphia. Fortunate Families' application has been rejected twice and CALGM is still awaiting word. A third group that ministers to gays and lesbians, Courage International, has been approved.

Hundreds gathered recently in San Francisco to show support for beleaguered Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone.

Chicago Archbishop Blase Cupich to Boston College grads: promote the common good.

Kevin Eckstrom stepping down as editor in chief of Religion News Service.

Does lack of feminine images of the divine in Christianity have an effect on society's views of women? Of women's views of women? Mariam Williams' essay on the need for women to see the feminine in the divine.

Royal Inquiry in Australia told that Cardinal George Pell was one of a group of clergy who decided, in 1982, to move a priest accused of child sex abuse. Here's the account in The Guardian. And another in The Age.

Catholic Charities unit in Brooklyn that serves the developmentally disabled is reportedly losing millions and seeks to transfer clients.

Pope Francis, in talk to Italian bishops, once again emphasizes pastoral accompaniment over rules. "In reality, lay people who have an authentic Christian formation shouldn't need a bishop-pilot, or a monsignor-pilot, or clerical input to assume their responsibilities at every level, from political to social, economic to legislative," he said. "Rather, what they all need is a Bishop Pastor!"

From Global Sisters Report: Hospitality houses offer works of mercy to immigrants in limbo.

Q&A with Sr. Josephine Anna Tran Thi Hien, a physician who brought Christian burial and new practices to an ethnic group that once buried babies alive together with their dead mothers, believing they would be breastfed in the afterlife.



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