Morning Briefing

The Upcoming Encyclical

Do people want to hear the moral message it is expected to contain?

Religion Dispatches says before you protest the yet-to-be released encyclical, "check your doctrine" -- or at least precedent. Francis isn't the first to issue strong language on care of creation.

From Global Sisters Report: Consequences of mining raise environmental issues to life and death matters in Zambia.

And should you be wondering if all of this talk of environment and creation and such means that Francis is secretly one of those (whisper here) socialists, or closet Marxists or, (gasp) maybe even a communist, relax. New Republic has definitively declared that he is none of those. Whew!

Tom Fox writes a loving tribute to his long-time friend and NCR contributor Eugene Kennedy, who died June 3. He was 86.

Jesuit Fr. Jeff Putthoff leaving Hopeworks N' Camden, an organization he founded to help Camden youth.

Author Chris Hedges says country is in midst of "a revolutionary process."

In response to same-sex marriage debate, Australia's bishops issue a "Don't Mess With Marriage Manual" to schools.


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