Morning Briefing

Pope Francis is reminding the world to care about poverty -- an essay by Rev. Jesse Jackson and theologian Grace Ji-Sun Kim.

Large drop in membership also means drop in income for Catholic Church in Germany. Beneath the numbers lies a more complex reality.

Is the very concept of middle class losing its usefulness? Michael Sean Winters: The Lord hears the cry of the bourgeoisie.

Fr. Robert  Barron, founder of Word on Fire Catholic Ministries and rector/president of the archdiocese of Chicago's Mundelein Seminary, was one of three appointed as auxiliary bishops to the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. Also named were Msgr. David O’Connell and Msgr. Joseph Brennan, both from Los Angeles.

In new biography, A Time for Truth, senator and Republican presidential contender Ted Cruz, who once clerked for the U.S. Supreme Court, dishes some delightful bits on the justices.

Poll: Americans remain divided on same-sex marriage in wake of Supreme Court ruling.

Teresa Sánchez de Cepeda y Ahumada was a profoundly influential Spanish mystic, a Carmelite reformer, the first woman doctor of the church, and the author of best-selling spiritual classics, including her masterpiece, The Interior Castle (1577). And people the world over are celebrating the 500th anniversary of her death.

Race relations, women included: Getting beyond our default settings.


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