Morning Briefing

Recalling Hiroshima and Nagasaki 70 years later

Pope Francis: The bombings 'still arouse horror, repulsion.'

Arms expert: 'Eliminate nukes or they will eliminate us.'

Tom Fox reflects on 'a contemporary crucifixion.'


Pope designates Sept. 1 as World Day of Prayer for Care of Creation.

Knights of Columbus create refugee relief fund to aid persecuted Christians in Syria and Iraq.

Phyllis Zagano: Women's lives matter (and it's not ALL about the Donald).

Francis says rejecting migrants fleeing violence is 'an act of war.'

Top Likud figure sees U.S. Congress blocking Iran deal ... but Obama gets support from another Senator. 

Hillary Clinton: 'All bets are off' with negotiating partners if Iran deal rejected by Congress.

Younger sisters are preparing to be the change in religious life. "The theme of the gathering was crossing boundaries in religious life," writes Dawn Cherie Araujo, "and the two keynote speakers — Sister of Charity of the Incarnate Word Sr. Teresa Maya and Holy Names Sr. Sophia Park — both focused on the increasing international and intercultural makeup of women religious, charging the sisters present with carrying the banner for change in their communities."

Porcine reprieve: Annual pig-wrestling event sponsored by Wisconsin Catholic church gives way to life-size foosball tournament.


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