Morning Briefing

Part 2 of NCR's interview with Australian archbishop: "You can't all the time be saying, 'It's out there; there's the problem.’ The problem is often within us and within the church.”

Massachusetts’ top court rules: parishioners holding vigil to stall closure of Catholic church are “trespassers” 

Synod of Bishops again reveals differences when it comes to family. More inclusive language? Scratch words like “indissolubility”?

President Obama to halt troop withdrawal from Afghanistan, thousands will stay until 2017

The Washington Post profiles the “millennial who infiltrated” Planned Parenthood

Democratic presidential candidates determined on gun control, a “sea change” political moment?

Americans' denial of climate change hits record low

LAPD skewed crime rate for 8 years, underreported serious assaults

Ted Cruz on Black Lives Matter: movement is “literally suggesting and embracing and celebrating the murder of police officers.”

Immigrants fasting to keep their families together 

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