Morning Briefing

Tomorrow marks the 50th anniversary of Nostra Aetate (In Our Time), the Second Vatican Council's declaration on the relationship of the Catholic Church with non-Christian religions. The document marked a radical change in church teaching on the subject. Below, some reports and reflections:

The 'Splainer: What is Nostra Aetate, and what does it have to do with Catholic-Jewish relations? 

Religion and Ethics Newsweekly: Kim Lawton interviews interfaith leaders on the far-reaching effects of the groundbreaking document. 

Maureen Fiedler: Nostra Aetate proves that change is possible.

Rabbi A. James Rudin views the document as "a glass half full."


World's Catholic bishops plead for global breakthrough on climate change action.

The women leading major Catholic organizations in the United States describe their roles during Georgetown U. panel.

Global leader of women religious: Sisters need to do synod's unfinished work.

At synod's close, Francis warns against spirituality that ignores people's struggles. 

Robert Mickens: With synod, the pope has 'smoked' out his opposition.

At the National Cathedral, a different kind of call for religious freedom.








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