Morning Briefing

NCR investigation puts dollar figure on sex abuse crisis: We've been underestimating the cost for years, perhaps by as much as a billion dollars.

At the same time, other researchers have found a drop in giving in areas hit by sex abuse scandal The "decline in charitable giving is an order of magnitude larger than the direct costs of the scandals to the Catholic churches (e.g., lawsuits)."

NCR Editorial: The deep, lasting financial cost of sex abuse

Episcopal Church installs its first African-American leader

Cincinnati nun excommunicated after admitting illegal priestly ordination

The Cleveland-based Collaborative to End Human Trafficking tries to answer the question: What is human trafficking?

Vatican arrests two advisers over alleged links to leaked documents

Omaha, Nebr. -- Domestic violence survivor thanks Catholic Charities

Commentary: The synod answers: "Who am I to judge?" by Douglas W. Kmiec

Dublin -- Irish priests are ignoring the Pope and calling for female clergy in churches

Dublin -- Catholic priests call for talks on equality for women Clerics seek open discussion of issue and say sanctions have silenced those in favor.


Boehner: 'Catholic guilt' swayed Ryan on speakership

Looking for a little inspiration to begin your day? NCR's sister publication, Celebration, gives you two options, both based on the Scripture readings of the day:

DailyBreadBanner.jpgDaily Bread is a series of short reflections written by four authors who meet regularly to share the readings. Daily Bread is intended to help daily preachers and others who pray from the assigned Scriptures each day to orient themselves to the Living Word addressed to the church in the world. It's a great way to begin the day.

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