Morning Briefing

Pope Francis to the church in Italy: Catholicism can and must change.  In one section of the talk, Francis says: "Before the problems of the church it is not useful to search for solutions in conservatism or fundamentalism, in the restoration of obsolete conduct and forms that no longer have the capacity of being significant culturally,"

Pope stumbles in church for second time in three days.

Conference looks at women and the church since Vatican II.  Gathering asks: Are women in the church still "guests in their own house?"

Winters: A preview of this year's meeting of the U.S. bishops.

Catholic Church offers guidance on dealing with Spotlight movie.

White scholar makes the case for reparations to descendants of slaves.


Catholic Church in Jamesburg, NJ, damaged by shotgun blasts.

Washington Post: Events that led to resignation of president of University of Missouri

Appeals court deals severe blow to Obama's immigration plan.



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