Morning Briefing

Major poll commissioned by Archdiocese of Boston to find out what Catholics think of leaders, doctrine, teaching and much more.

NCR Vatican Correspondent Josh McElwee reports on another remarkable in-flight news conference with Francis. First, he issues dire words about the Paris conference on climate change and says the world invites "suicide" if it fails, but registers hope that the world's leaders will make serious progress this time around. When asked if the church should alter its opposition to use of condoms, especially in Africa, where the spread of HIV-AIDS continues, he answered that "the question seems to small to me." Here's some of the rest of his answer:

"This question makes me think of what they asked Jesus one time: 'Tell me, master, is it licit to heal on the Sabbath?'" Francis continued"Malnutrition, exploitation of persons, slave work, lack of drinking water," he said. "These are the problems."

"I do not like to descend into reflections that are so casuistic when people are dying," he continued. "I would say to not think if it is licit or not licit to heal on the Sabbath. I say to humanity: Make justice, and when all are healed, when there is not injustice in this world, we can speak of the Sabbath."

Read all of NCR's Africa coverage here: Francis in Africa 2015

Despite terror attacks, climate summit in Paris underway

On the edges of COP21, indigenous people seek a hearing and legal status.

Read NCR coverage of the Paris talks here: COP 21 Paris (COP21 means the 21st Conference of the Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.)

New Parish opens in Cleveland, where so many churches have previously closed.

From the Washington Post: What God's got to do with the rise of Ben Carson.

Small Witness Against Torture contingent travels to Guantanamo; vigil and fast to urge its closing.

MSW: Notre Dame's curriculum review report released. Despite pressure to drop, theology courses (2) remain a requirement.

Ilea Dileo: Laudato Si' and Vatican III




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