Morning Briefing

Altoona-Johnston, Pa. -- Clergy abuse report prompts a resignation, banner removal School board member resigns. The current bishop has removed cathedral banners that celebrate former bishops.

Yesterday, Italian journalist Sandro Magister and Gerard O'Connell at America reported that Archbishop Christophe Pierre, currently Vatican ambassardor to Mexico, will be named the next nuncio to the United States. Today, NCR's Michael Sean Winters explains why a new nuncio is so important.

Writing in National Review Online, the leading bastions of American Catholic Republicans—led appropriately by Robbie George and George Weigel—lay out an urgent appeal to their fellow Catholics to oppose Donald Trump. The problem is, these Catholic Republicans are directly implicated in Trump’s meteoric rise, writes Anthony Annett at Commonweal.

The good news for the Republican “establishment” is that there’s a man who might be able to stop Donald Trump. The bad news is that it’s Ted Cruz, someone they may dislike almost as much.

Massimo Faggioli writes that Catholic Trumpism Is Reigniting The 'American Problem' Within Pope Francis' Church

Legionaries of Christ in the news: Texas developer files extortion suit against Legionaires

Rochester, N.Y. -- Lay preachers in Rochester diocese want to be at the pulpit again. This story is part of NCR's web series covering parish life. The series is called The Field Hospital.

North Korea's Kim Jong Un Orders More Nuclear Tests

How much does it cost to become a saint in the Catholic Church? It depends on how much financial mismanagement and corruption are involved.

Sunday is the third anniversary of the election of Pope Francis. Three years on, pope leaves Catholic conservatives feeling marginalized

Bishop Frank J. Caggiano of Brideport, Conn., speaks with Forbes magazine in a article titled The Entrepreneurial Bishop: Can The Catholic Church Learn From JetBlue?

Asheville, N.C. -- Bishop Orders Catholic Charities to Fire Gala Singer Because She Is in a Same-Sex Relationship

Greg Bourke, half of the couple name NCR's Persons of the Year for 2015, has penned an op-ed piece in his local Courier-Journal: 'Year of Mercy' should extend to LGBT

Sr. Joan Chittister: When did we confuse freedom of speech with the freedom to be rude?

DailyBreadBanner.jpgStart your day inspired with daily scripture reflections. Join NCR's sister publication, Celebration, for Daily Bread, a series of short reflections written by four authors who meet regularly to share the readings.

Or reflect on Pencil Preaching.jpgPencil Preaching by Pat Marrin. Every morning Pat Marrin breaks open the Word with a pencil sketch and a short meditation.

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