Morning Briefing

We need to raise $34,000 today: Please give today.

San Francisco -- Catholic high school will continue to employ transgender English teacher administration and sponsoring religious community say.

You probably saw this story yesterday: Francis to create commission to study female deacons in Catholic church

Here's a round up of reactions: Francis' female deacon commission brings hope, caution. This piece includes an interview with Canadian Archbishop Paul-André Durocher, who mentioned the subject during his three-minute intervention at the Synod of Bishops on the family in October.

Here's a gathering of NCR reporting on the issue of women deacons.

The Obama administration is poised to conduct immigration raids targeting Central American mothers and children who entered the U.S. illegally after a spike in their numbers.

U.K. pro-life/pro-family group calls on Pope Francis to withdraw Amoris Laetitia

Ballarat, Australia -- No Mass for Victoria bishop who moved abusers A small private funeral was held for Ronald Mulkearns, bishop here 1971-1997, and he was the first Ballarat bishop not to be interred in the crypt of St Patrick's Cathedral. A petition backed by 2000 people called for the memorial mass to be cancelled.

Catholic Bishop of Santo Domingo: U.S. Ambassador Isn’t ‘An Ambassador, He’s a Gay Activist’

Catholics and Buddhists should work together for the environment Vesak, or Vesakha, commemorates the birth, enlightenment (nirvāna), and death (Parinirvāna) of Gautama Buddha in the Theravada or southern tradition.

This week Global Sister's Report launches major series on mining: Mining and extraction coalition at UN holds countries, companies accountable

See also: Observing a community of resistance at a Guatemalan mine

Cardinal Parolin presents Latvian translation of Laudato Si'

Priests back Indonesia plan for ecology lessons in schools

Did I mention that we need to raise $34,000 today? If you read this entire Morning Briefing and still haven't given to the webathon, Please donate today.

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