June 14, 2016
Here are the must read stories on NCR today:
- Vatican religious congregation contacting about 15 orders of US sisters for ‘serene dialogue’
- Vatican's doctrinal congregation calls on bishops, lay movements to respect each other
- Eco-Catholic: 'Poverty has a face!' Francis tells UN food program
- Soul Seeing: Laughing, giggling, roaring, guffawing
- Theologians conclude meeting on "Justice and Mercy"
- 'OneParish' mobile app created to grow parish engagement
Orlando shooting:
- Florida bishop on Orlando attack: Sadly, religion 'often breeds contempt' for LGBT people
- Cupich in letter to LGBT community: 'I stand with you.'
- The murders in Orlando
Here is what's new at Global Sisters Report:
- Electronic waste: Informal economy supports thousands in Ghana slum
- Supreme Court focuses on immigration amid deportations
- Women religious join those bringing attention to Day of Justice for murdered Honduran activist
- If you aren't offered something to eat or drink, you're not in a convent
Other must read stories from around the web:
- Post-Sandy Hook gun laws to reach justices days after Orlando shooting
- Sheriff: Army Reserve officer threatens members of mosque
- A personal quest to document Islamic State massacre of Iraqi Yazidis
- Archbishop of Canterbury supports remain campaign in EU referendum
- Kansas City diocese drops out of bidding for charter school building (Note: This building is right next-door to NCR headquarters.)
- Priest accused of punching best man at wedding
- Church struggling to attract and keep New Zealand-born worshippers
- Cloistered nun in India gets PhD in rocket engines
- Unrest in Guam archdiocese goes back several years