Morning Briefing

Talk of women's ordination at DeMoines Catholic Worker anniversary celebration bares a debate within the wider worker community.

Eli McCarthy writes that so much concentration on just war prevents us from imagining a 'just peace' approach that can elicit new strategies.

Vatican newspaper: Amoris Laetitia, Pope Francis' exhortation on the family, is authoritative church teaching. The article is in response to critics who questioned the formal weight of the document.

COMING TOMORROW in NCR: An exclusive interview with Democratic vice presidential candidate Tim Kaine on his faith, politics and facing the tough issues.

On LGBT equality, middle ground is disappearing

Church may be comforting, but not comfortable: Church of England court rules against padded seats in medieval church.

NBC News: Indiana's once controversial religion law shakes bad image as  it's put to use for good.

Global Sisters Report: Austrian sisters recognized for 40 years of working with South Korean leprosy patients.

From FiveThirtyEight: Religious diversity may be making America less religious




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