Morning Briefing

Vatican's new normal: stories of love, attraction before papacy

The Field Hospital: Mass in American Sign Language accessed from near and far

From the Brookings Institution: A briefing on 'War and Peace in Myanmar' and what you should know when Aung San Suu Kyi, leader of a newly and democratically elected government, visits Washington.

Distinctly Catholic -- Conscience: Still the aboriginal Vicar of Christ, now for adults

Christianity Today: Clinton, Trump or neither. Three views on 2016 election

Former Secretary of State Colin Powell, in leaked emails, calls Trump 'an international pariah'

Veteran federal judge in strong dissent against ruling that will disenfranchise poor, black Ohio voters

Agreement: U.S. will give Israel about $3.8 billion a year in military aid over a decade, more than the U.S. has provided to any other country.

DON'T MISS THIS! A complimentary study guide from NCR on Pope Francis' exhortation, Amoris Laetitia, (On the Joy of Love), a papal reflection on love and marriage. NCR described it as "a profound reflection on the reality of family life in contemporary society." Francis has asked the Catholic community to ponder the document, to read it slowly and deliberately. We can help you do that.

In this new complimentary guide, moral theologian Jana Bennett and lay ecclesial minister Peg Ekerdt offer reflections on each chapter of Amoris Laetitia and thoughtful questions to help you delve deeper into these important topics. Order one now!







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