Morning Briefing

Recommended Reading: If you’ve ever described people as "white working class," read this: Seven key facts about this group that capture how socioeconomically diverse it actually is.

Vatican officially recognizes first US martyr, Oklahoma's Fr. Rother

Earlier reporting about Fr. Stanley Rother: A story of what it means to be a pastor

The relationship between Fidel Castro and the Cuban Catholic church has been a roller-coaster ride of ups and downs, though it has noticeably improved in recent years: Catholic Church could play larger role in a post-Fidel Castro Cuba

Carrier incentives stir debate over 'rewarding' offshoring (Loud video with text)

Is Trump's Deal With Carrier A Form Of Crony Capitalism?

China and the Church: The 'outlaw' do-it-yourself bishop Dong Guanhua is a thorn in the side of both the Vatican and the Chinese state.

San Diego -- Catholic church prepares to fight ‘grave evil’ of mass deportations

Here's what Guatemalan parishioners are telling this pastoral worker: Immigrants face a terrifying future under Trump, and Christians must be there

Indianapolis -- Womenpriests Serve In Hope Catholic Church Will Open Door To Leadership Roles

Pittsburgh -- Cardinal Apologizes to Man Who Brought Abuse Claim in '88

The Philippines -- A Catholic bishop stressed the need for the church to scale up its fight against HIV/AIDS and counter discrimination against those living with the condition: Church needs to scale up HIV response

Stockton, Calif. -- A Stockton Catholic priest has been reinstated to active ministry following an in-house investigation of alleged inappropriate conduct with a minor: Accused priest back in ministry

France's populism: Conservative Francois Fillon wins French primary with strong appeal to Catholics

The latest installment in NCR's Making Peace series: Store on busy road invigorates Nairobi women's peacemaking group

A great reflection by a young Catholic exploring her faith and social action: What running with the pack taught me about solidarity

Fr. Tom Reese says It's time for compromise on gay rights and religious freedom

DailyBreadBanner.jpgStart your day inspired with daily scripture reflections. Join NCR's sister publication, Celebration, for Daily Bread, a series of short reflections written by four authors who meet regularly to share the readings.

Or reflect on Pencil Preaching.jpgPencil Preaching by Pat Marrin. Every morning Pat Marrin breaks open the Word with a pencil sketch and a short meditation.

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