Morning Briefing

Pope Francis attends an Advent reflection at the Vatican Dec. 2. (CNS) You can reflect on Advent scriptures with Celebration, NCR's sister publication, here:

Pope Francis attends an Advent reflection at the Vatican Dec. 2. (CNS) You can reflect on Advent scriptures with Celebration, NCR's sister publication, here:

Recommended reading: Why white evangelicals are feeling hopeful about Trump: They're worried about poverty, hunger, drug addiction, and the "softness" of the country. And they've got high expectations for their president.

Cardinal Cupich shoulders Chicago's Catholic future: The Chicago archbishop has "got a lot of work to do" to revitalize this sprawling bastion of U.S. Catholicism. Collaboration is how he's set about getting it done.

Trump chooses former campaign rival Ben Carson to be Housing secretary: How important is this appointment? Maybe you haven't been following Kiefer Sutherland's latest TV show, in which the mild-mannered HUD director becomes the Designated Survivor.

Beijing -- In Trump's Taiwan Kerfuffle, Beijing Has Been Uncharacteristically Measured

Washington -- Democrats to give Trump Cabinet picks the Garland treatment, hoping delay tactics sap momentum from the president's first 100 days.

Manila, Philippines -- A Catholic bishop was among 19 people honored as Philippine "heroes and martyrs" for their role in resisting repression during Ferdinand Marcos' dictatorial rule. The name of late Bishop Julio Xavier Labayen of Infanta was among those etched on the Wall of Remembrance at the country's Monument of Heroes.

Auckland, New Zealand -- The changing face of New Zealand's Catholicism

Auckland -- Miracle needed for New Zealand's first saint

Manila -- Philippine bishops support Department of Health campaign against irresponsible sex but oppose the distribution of condoms in public schools.

"Take and Read" is a weekly blog that features a different contributor's reflections on a specific book that changed their lives. Today: Mary Daly exposed the slimy underbelly of religion's treatment of women by Susan A. Ross

Chilean women march for rights, organized by the Chilean Network Against Violence Toward Women

Mumbai, India -- Muslim women seek access to dargahs. Women and worship: Time to shatter all patriarchal ceilings

Sisters in Central Africa shield girls dubbed 'witches'

African women religious play key role in social change

Nairobi, Kenya -- Poor management decisions and leakage of funds amounting to at least 400 million shillings by former officials of the Catholic University of Eastern Africa have left the 32-year-old institution in a precarious financial position. That's almost $4 million.

Italy voted over the weekend, and Italy’s Populists Claim Victory in Referendum, But Chaos Looms. Still, the Wall Street Journal reports European Investors Brush Off Italy Referendum Result

DailyBreadBanner.jpgStart your day inspired with daily Scripture reflections. Join NCR's sister publication, Celebration, for Daily Bread, a series of short reflections written by four authors who meet regularly to share the readings.

Or reflect on Pencil Preaching.jpgPencil Preaching by Pat Marrin. Every morning, Pat Marrin breaks open the Word with a pencil sketch and a short meditation.

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