Morning Briefing

In Transition:

The Washington Post: Trump wasn't happy with his State Department finalists. Then he heard a new name. (A look in on his unorthodox methods.)

The New York Times: Under Rex Tillerson, Exxon Mobile forged its own path abroad. (How he led the oil giant that maneuvered around the State Department he's been chosen to lead.)

Religion News Service: Trump's secretary of state pick may anger social conservatives. (He helped convince the Boy Scouts to admit gay youth, and his company contributes to Planned Parenthood.)

Michael Sean Winters, Part 3: Different popes, different personalities -- and underlying continuity.

Swiss bishops set up fund for abuse cases outside statute of limitations.

Heidi Schlumpf: Respect  and listen to  your elders. Making the case for a "Great Catholic Listen."

Pew Research Center: Around the world, large gaps in education persist, but all faiths are making gains -- particularly among women.

Global Sisters Report: Crafting relationships through a ministry of presence. (One of a series of reports, Notes from the Field, of young people volunteering in the ministries of Catholic sisters.)



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