Morning Briefing

Bishop Robert McElroy of San Diego warns against nationalism, market rule, overconfidence in technology. Text of speech, "Three Kinds of Erroneous Autonomy," delivered Jan. 10 at the symposium "Erroneous Autonomy: The Dignity of Work" organized by the Institute for Policy Research and Catholic Studies at The Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C.

Sen. Jeff Sessions, in confirmation hearings, says he can separate personal views from obligations to apply law fairly as U.S. attorney general

Rev. William Barber, head of NC NAACP, calls Sessions nomination 'a moral crisis'

President Barack Obama, in emotional farewell speech, warns of threats to national unity

In his own words: President Obama on faith

Knights of Malta refuse to cooperate with papal investigation of the order (Or is it a sovereign state?)

Irish priest Tony Flannery to violate suspension from ministry to celebrate birthday Mass

Field Hospital: church security, March for Life, celebrating cathedrals

Fr. Michael Scanlan, revitalized Franciscan University of Steubenville, dies at 85

Commentary: Why Nat Henthoff matters

Global Sisters Report: Walking with Juan and Sara changed my consecration

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