Morning Briefing

Republicans, invoking obscure rule, rebuke Sen. Elizabeth Warren, saying she impugned Sen. Sessions' character. She was reading statements against Sessions made during his failed 1986 bid for a federal judgeship. One of the letters she read in opposition to Sessions, the current nominee for attorney general, was from the late Coretta Scott King.

Read the letter Coretta Scott King wrote opposing Sessions' 1986 federal nomination.

Appeals court panel appears skeptical of Trump's travel ban

Pope repeats 'bridges not walls' after Trump travel ban

Speak loud, act local, environmental groups tell Catholics in Trump era

Soul Seeing: His drug of choice is TV

Catholic parishes of the 21st century: Social scientists connect the dots of the Catholic future

Headline from Religion News Service: Trump interview throws spotlight on Christian broadcaster

Religion may sideline prep hoops player: Keeping Sabbath for Seventh Day Adventist youth may mean missing Friday night game.

From Global Sisters Report: Seeing the same world through different eyes


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