Morning Briefing

Five things to watch for in Trump's tax plan

Analysis: The End of Foreign Aid As We Know It Trump budget would gut development assistance and fold USAID into State.

Pope Francis gives a surprise TED Talk, calls for a ‘revolution of tenderness’

News from Rome Today:

Michael Sean Winters writes about the "abortion litmus test," and says Democrats are sliding back into culture-war politics

Salt Lake City, Utah -- Learn your religion, new bishop urges Utah Catholics in rare pastoral letter Barely a month after Oscar A. Solis was installed as Salt Lake City's 10th Catholic bishop, the gregarious Filipino prelate issued an inaugural challenge to his flock: Get out of your comfort zone, learn your own religion, spread the good news of the Christian gospel and lift those in need.

Dublin, Ireland -- Bishops, public, politicans tussle over whether new National Maternity Hospital should be administered by Sisters of Charity

Former Saipan bishop Tomas A. Camacho accused of clergy sex abuse again

Chicago Archdiocese to pay $4.45M to settle priest abuse lawsuits

Marseille, France -- Q & A with Sr. Colette Hamza, building bridges between Christians and Muslims

Tucson, Arizona -- Bishop Gerald F. Kicanas of Tucson celebrates 50 years of priesthood

Review -- On the life of Einstein, 'Genius' is simply great television

Judge blocks Trump effort to withhold money from sanctuary cities

Republicans in Congress push Trump for religious liberty executive order

House Freedom Caucus leaders back new health-care plan

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Or reflect on Pencil Preaching.jpgPencil Preaching by Pat Marrin. Every morning Pat Marrin breaks open the Word with a pencil sketch and a short meditation.

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