Morning Briefing

La Iglesia Hispana: Local conversations are underway, laying the groundwork for 2018's national V Encuentro, as Hispanics voice "who we are, what we need, and what we can contribute." Encuentro process invigorates community in parishes

Fr. Tom Reese has been thinking about the May 24 meeting of Donald Trump and Pope Francis: When a pope meets a U.S. president, it's normally low on conflict. But with surprising Francis and volatile Trump, it's harder to predict how it will go. Francis, Trump to meet -- with fireworks or no drama?

William M. LeoGrande, who literally wrote the book on Back Channel to Cuba: The Hidden History of Negotiations between Washington and Havana, has a suggestion for the pope-president confab: Here's why Cuba should be on Francis' agenda when he meets Trump

We're hoping Trump has the climate on his mind when after he meets the pope he joins the G7 summit. Maybe he could also visit with the nine Catholic organizations, including five religious orders and an archdiocese in Italy, planning to divest from fossil fuel corporations in an action timed to send a message to the upcoming G7 summit.

Yesterday, Michael Sean Winters wrote this: Church Militant's nonsense not authentically Catholic and Church Militant responded with this: Dissident Rag Calls Church Militant 'Not Authentically Catholic'. Note to folks at Church Militant: You got Michael's name wrong.

The new French president, Emmanuel Macron, has a history buff’s view of Islam and religious strife. He warns his compatriots not to repeat the mistakes of the Middle Ages. Just as it was wrong and inexpedient for medieval France to demonize the Protestants, so too it would be wrong for today's politicians to demonize Islam or its followers.

Julia Walsh writes: "A few weeks ago, walking the Camino de Santiago in Spain, I began to ponder the mysterious nature of faith and how it directs my life. Here I was, walking a path that thousands have walked for hundreds of years because of their devotion and faith, moving among religious people who put their fidelity into motion, I realized I wasn't so sure what faith was."

On "a beautiful, sunny day" at St. John Vianney Parish in Prince Frederick, Maryland, Fr. Peter Daly writes, "solar panels are generating electricity in two of our buildings." The rectory has been solar-powered for a year and the Parish Center is going on line this week. Daly's suggestion to other pastors: If God is giving away electricity, accept his blessings

San Salvador, El Salvador -- The Latin America bishops' council, known by its Spanish acronym, CELAM, is meeting here in a four day plenary. Among topics on their agenda is the evolving political crisis in Venezuela.

Pleiku City, Vietnam - The homes run by Filles de la Médaille Miraculeuse nuns provide children health care and education, along with opportunities to learn from each other's ethnic traditions. Once grown, the orphans take those skills into their communities.

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Or reflect on Pencil Preaching.jpgPencil Preaching by Pat Marrin. Every morning Pat Marrin breaks open the Word with a pencil sketch and a short meditation.

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