Morning Briefing

ExxonMobil shareholders push through climate change resolution: Dominican Sr. Patricia Daly, director emeritus of the Tri-State Coalition for Responsible Investment, and other faith-based investor groups have been working for decades to have Exxon recognize and respond to climate change.

Theologians, at gathering in New Mexico, blast Paris Agreement withdrawal, call for creation care

Chaldean Catholic bishop calls ICE raid, arrests, 'painful' for community: Some 40 Chaldean Christians were arrested at or near their homes in Southeastern Michigan and taken to detention centers.

Appreciation: Fr. Miguel D'Escoto put his priestly life at the service of the poor

Southern Baptists grapple with morality, white nationalism in the Trump age

9th Circuit Court of Appeals upholds injunction on Trump's travel ban

Pulse anniversary: Church plays wounding role to LGBT people

Global Sisters Report: Sr. Lucy Thorson, celebrating positive developments in Jewish-Christian relations

Myanmar fish farm: $9,000 grant in 2001 to the Sisters of Our Lady of the Mission became sustainable enterprise

The New York Times: Trump stews, staff steps in, and Mueller is safe for now

The Washington Post: Jeff Sessions testifies, refuses to say whether he spoke to Trump about Comey's handling of Russia investigation



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