Morning Briefing

Accused of abuse, Pell maintains innocence in first court appearance

Paul Shanley, priest at center of Boston sex abuse scandal, to be released from prison

From Brookings: The geography of desperation in America. "There are high costs to falling behind — and losing hope — in a very wealthy society that prides itself on being a meritocracy (even though the reality is far from the reputation)," according to the report.

U.S. Court of Appeals vacates injunction against executions in Ohio

Worst drought in decades forces shutdown of Vatican fountains

Distinctly Catholic: As Senate health care debate proceeds, nation takes two steps back

Washington Post: McCain, in emotional return, laments what the Senate has become

New Pew survey: Muslim Americans worry about discrimination but profess faith in American dream

Global Sisters Report: Q & A with Sr. Mary Cecilia Bui Thi Hong Hanh, bringing confidence, solidarity to women

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