Morning Briefing

Americans want Congress to move on from trying to 'repeal and replace' Obamacare, but Trump pushes on.

A new Pew survey conducted since Trump became president finds nine-in-ten U.S. Muslims proud to be Americans but seven-in-ten sense a lot of discrimination against their faith group and half say being Muslim in this country has been more difficult

A reader recommends this commentary from The Guardian: Anthony Scaramucci is vindictive, petty and unprincipled – perfect for Trump. And here's what Australian Catholics think: Scaramucci, Scaramouche, Scaramuccia -- literally "little skirmisher"

Priest-abuser Paul Shanley was released from prison Friday. Sex abuse victims seek help to track ex-priest’s whereabouts

Sam Brownback, who as governor tried to run Kansas as a laboratory for tax cuts, welfare reform, privatized Medicaid and other conservative policy goals, will work for the Trump administration at the ambassador at-large for international religious freedom, a position based in Washington, D.C. Kansas lawmakers say 'good riddance.' "He's left a lot of carnage and destruction, and he's also put the incoming governor in a tough spot."

The U.N.'s World Day against Trafficking in Persons (July 30) may prompt renewed debate over prostitution. Morality meets reality. The debate splits groups often allied in other causes: Catholic sisters, dedicated to gender equality and ending systems of oppression that force women into prostitution, and human rights advocates, who look for ways to protect those with few ways to make a living.

Put this on your most read list: Michael Whalen on making documentaries about women religious "Nuns ... are going to do the job no matter what ... and that unnerves a bunch of people."

London, Ontario -- Two Sisters of St. Joseph run the Office for Systemic Justice, researching major social issues and advocating for policies to improve communities globally.

Philippine President Duterte's brutal drug war: Mindanao mayor and more than a dozen others killed by police

Duterte's plan to scrap Philippine rights body angers some Catholic bishops

Filipino Jesuit killed in Cambodia on road to sainthood. Jesuit seminarian Richie Fernando could become the first Filipino saint born in the 20th century

Dunedin, New Zealand -- Alumnae of Kavanagh College have abusive priest's photo removed from historic display; now they want the Catholic college to consider a name change.

DailyBreadBanner.jpgStart your day inspired with daily scripture reflections. Join NCR's sister publication, Celebration, for Daily Bread, a series of short reflections written by four authors who meet regularly to share the readings.

Or reflect on Pencil Preaching.jpgPencil Preaching by Pat Marrin. Every morning Pat Marrin breaks open the Word with a pencil sketch and a short meditation.

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