Morning Briefing

The most important article you will read today: ‘The Fog of Scandal’ Ana Maria Catanzaro, chair of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia’s review board.

The Roman Catholic Church in Rhode Island says attendance at Sunday Mass rose slightly in 2010 as the church ramped up efforts to bring back inactive Catholics.

Along the Mississippi River Agencies pitch in to help those hit by flooding

Philippines On reproductive health bill, president open to dialogue with Catholic bishops but respects their decision to cease talking, spokeswoman says

Philippines Church running out of argument on birth control issue, says lawmaker. "Resorting to threats and name-calling are the recourse of those who have become bankrupt of arguments."

Lepers in Vietnam: Catholic Church working to help them and fight discrimination

Stop on import of mass wine, Catholics favour “made in Indonesia”

A new $2 million state grant will help Catholic Charities of Buffalo expand its immigration- and refugee-assistance program.

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