Morning Briefing

Repeal of Ban on Gay Military Service Becomes Official

Pope's trip to Germany to focus on 500-year Christian split

Pope visiting homeland with mixed views on church

Father Alberto Cutie's opinion: Missing, Gone or Disappeared by the Church: Where Are These Priests?

Catholic Charities Fort Worth Creates Jobs, Hosts National Poverty Summit

Springfield, Ill. Catholic Charities to suffer 50% cut if state cancels contracts

N.H. bishop described as humble, hard-working . Bishop John B. McCormack retires.

Law Professor Continues to Battle Catholic University Over Same-Sex Dorms

Abp Dolan on Economic Crisis

Catholic Priest in War-Torn Sudanese State Repeatedly Detained. Previously tortured clergyman threatened with death if he returns to area of South Kordofan.

A Catholic College Basketball Conference? The New York Daily News is reporting that the athletic directors of St. John's, Georgetown, Seton Hall, Villanova, Providence, DePaul, Marquette and Notre Dame are discussing defections in the Big East Conference.

Australia Priest denies any sex with archbishop The Catholic priest accused of raping Archbishop John Hepworth says he's never had sex of any kind with the breakaway Anglican group leader.

Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston, W.Va. gives $1.2 million Wheeling Jesuit University

Obama and the Catholic vote

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