Morning Briefing

The Boston Globe: Reports link Law and Lori to crackdown on nuns, Lori denies the assertion.

The NCR report naming Lori and Law: LCWR crackdown more complicated than 'Rome vs. America'

Washington Post Editorial: The passivity of the Catholic Church "In its reluctance to discipline Catholic leaders who covered up or ignored sex crimes, the church also deepens the impression that it remains focused more on safeguarding its image than protecting victims. ... Worryingly, there are even signs that the church’s passivity has morphed into hostility toward its accusers."

Chaput removes five Philly priests from ministry Three priests cleared of accusations; 17 cases for suspended priests still pending

More from Philadelphia -- Joy and uncertainty over news about Catholic priests

Dublin, Ireland -- Hundreds of priests and laity gather to discuss future of church

Ireland's top Roman Catholic cleric: One of the saddest sights this week has been watching Cardinal Sean Brady trying to defend the indefensible.

Vatican may appoint bishop to aid Brady

Australia -- Catholic Church says would-be Aussie brides are being too fussy

Your views of the supermoon. Skywatchers were treated to a "supermoon" on Saturday night. NBC's Charles Hadlock reports.

Vice President Joe Biden sent White House staffers into a PR tizzy Sunday after saying on Meet the Press that he was “absolutely comfortable” with same-sex marriage.

Nigeria: Bishop Declares 10 Murdered Catholics Martyrs

WORCESTER, Mass. -- Bishop who disinvited Kennedy from graduation will also skip college ceremony. School officials told him that his appearance might be a distraction.

NCR's sister publication, Celebration, posts reflections on each day's Scripture reading. Here's a link: You may want to bookmark it. It's a great way to begin the day.

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