Morning Briefing

'Philadelphia -- Another tough day on the stand for Msgr. Lynn

Charleston, S.C. -- Dispute over communion wine keeps chaplain out of jail

Lafayette, La. -- John Paul the Great Academy may lose its 40-acre campus before next school year if donors aren't able to quickly pool together enough money to buy the land and facilities that currently house the small Catholic school.

Opinion: Obama administration alienates Catholic voters by Michael Gerson

Courage, Pennsylvania Catholic Group, Hosts Sports Camp To Help Gay Men Remain Celibate

Most voters doubt Catholic institutions would shut down over mandate

In Washington, D.C., and Toledo, Ohio, in upstate New York and in south Texas, protesters have gathered in recent weeks with a simple message: Let the sisters be.

Obama’s same-sex marriage nod echoes historic Catholic-Jewish debate. Most secular Jewish leaders applauded while some religious ones disagreed—the latter group joining their Catholic counterparts.

Yorkshire's most high-profile vicar: under investigation for posting 'Sin is such fun! on Facebook. Also accused of swearing on the social networking site and mocking relgious events and moaning about having to go to church on a Sunday.

Dublin, Ireland -- Archdiocese paid €15.2m in compensation and legal fees in sex abuse cases

STONE PARK, Ill.— The Missionary Sisters of St. Charles Borromeo are fighting mad a strip club that may be opening "mere inches from the convent fence, and about 100 feet from a portion of the facility used as a retirement home by the religious order."

NCR's sister publication, Celebration, posts reflections on each day's Scripture reading. Here's a link: You may want to bookmark it. It's a great way to begin the day.

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