Morning Briefing

A man who as a child was abused by a pedophile priest has been found dead in his car after the pain became "just too much for him", his wife says, adding said she is determined to have those who protected the pedophile priest held to account.

A senior member of Australia's Catholic Church says he would support a public inquiry into the church's handling of sexual assaults by priests. Bishop of the Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle, Bill Wright, says it is up to governments to work out which issues need investigating.

A senior figure in the Catholic Church in Scotland has claimed medical evidence suggests that homosexual conduct "is hazardous, is harmful, and is dangerous". He insists that medical studies had shown that homosexual conduct shortened life expectancy by up to 20 years.

Church musicians gave a lukewarm assessment of the new Catholic liturgy this week at a national gathering of pastoral musicians, adding, however, that priests who worked hard to make it successful were able to bring new levels of meaning and participation to the Mass.

Catholic law center files to halt health act

Opinion: Priest's sentence is appropriate

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