Morning Briefing

Details emerge in stunning break-in of nuclear facility; singing protesters offered bread to guardsConfronted by a heavily armed guard, Megan Rice, an 82-year-old nun; Greg Boertje-Obed, 57, a housepainter and military veteran; and Michael Walli, 63, a gardener and Roman Catholic layman began reading a statement about their beliefs and opposition to nuclear weapons

Autrailia's senior priests targeted in child abuse coverup rolesInvestigators are preparing a brief of evidence into the involvement of three of the Catholic Church's most senior members

Catholic business owners win temporary halt to Obama birth control mandateA Colorado business owned by a Catholic family does not have to comply with President Barack Obama's new healthcare mandate that private employers provide employees with insurance coverage of birth control, a Colorado federal judge has ruled

Australian Catholic Bishops Conference to host largest youth festival since World Youth Day 2008In December 2013 the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference will host the first Australian Catholic Youth Festival. The Festival will be held in the Archdiocese of Melbourne

Influential Catholic monk says Vancouver an example for religious dialogue in SyriaThe Catholic monk, expelled on June 16 from war-torn Syria for protesting the repressive regime of President Bashar Assad, has been in Vancouver in part to get out the message that the religiously diverse residents of this city can help save lives in the Middle East.

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