Morning Briefing

U.S. rule highlights Catholic tensions over contraception New rules requiring free access to prescription birth control for women with health insurance go into effect on Wednesday, but controversy lingers at some Catholic institutions struggling to balance the requirement with their opposition to contraception

Bishops winning support, Obama winning votes in fight for Catholics A new poll has found that Catholics who are familiar with the issue tend to side overwhelmingly with the bishops

Catholic Church and University in Peru Fight Over Name To its critics in the church, the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru is not deserving of its name. School is seen as associated with Liberation Theology and the poor

OPINION: Penn State case was bad, but the Catholic Church's case is worse The Philadelphia archdiocese is not likely to suffer the same fate as Penn State, even though three grand juries found it left pedophile priests free to prey upon children for years after church officials became aware of them

Catholic priest in South Boston arrested on child pornography charges Priest arrested Tuesday afternoon after a 2-month police investigation of child pornography charges

PHILIPPINES: Senator accuses Catholic clergy of disinformation on reproductive health bill An advocate of the reproductive health bill has accused the Catholic leadership of engaging in disinformation to dissuade the Catholic faithful from supporting the population management measure supported by the Aquino administration

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