Morning Briefing

Poll shows Catholics side with bishops on religious liberty, but warm to Obama Nevertheless, Catholics seem to be warming to President Obama, even as the bishops lambaste his administration in their fight to roll back a federal mandate that requires employers — with some exceptions — to cover birth control in their health plans

Approval rating up for Catholic bishops in U.S. 70 percent of Catholics in America are very or somewhat satisfied with the leadership of U.S. bishops. That compares with 51 percent in 2002, when the Catholic Church was embroiled in the child sex abuse scandal. Eighty-three percent of Catholics are very or somewhat satisfied with the leadership of Catholic nuns and sisters

Catholic fund fails to convince believers JPMorgan Asset Management had hoped to attract investors who wanted exposure to investments that would not clash with tenets on issues such as birth control and civil rights. It also eschewed investments in governments of countries that have the death penalty

OPINION: New archbishop could learn from San Francisco Cordileone is a leading figure in this Vatican attack on liberal Catholics. In 2006, he led an unsuccessful effort to place the use of contraception on a list of sins so great that those who committed them would be denied the sacrament of communion. It’s probably good for Cordileone that this effort was repulsed, because its enforcement would likely tear the church apart

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