Morning Briefing

Minnesota Catholics who support marriage equality and have been working against a November referendum to define marriage as solely between a man and a woman, have been meeting on Tuesday evenings to pray in the St. Paul Cathedral. Oct. 23 marked the sixth month of their gatherings and the crowd that night number about 150. They pray the rosary in silence because the cathedral rector told them they couldn’t pray out loud. Some Catholics, including the bishops of Minnesota, favor passage of the proposed am

Minnesota Catholics who support marriage equality and have been working against a November referendum to define marriage as solely between a man and a woman, have been meeting on Tuesday evenings to pray in the St. Paul Cathedral. Oct. 23 marked the sixth month of their gatherings and the crowd that night number about 150. They pray the rosary in silence because the cathedral rector told them they couldn’t pray out loud. Some Catholics, including the bishops of Minnesota, favor passage of the proposed amendment.

Election 2012 -- Romney leaves Obama campaign on defense

Election 2012 --Colin Powell endorses Obama; Sununu, McCain go nuts

The names of more than 1,000 Catholics will appear Sunday in a full-page newspaper ad endorsing Referendum 74 and same-sex marriage, which is passionately opposed by the church’s four bishops in Washington state.

Bishop Richard Malone: a "Catholic whose conscience has been properly formed by scripture and church teaching cannot justify a vote" to legalize gay marriage.

Auxiliary Bishop Robert W. McElroy: Catholics should also consider if a candidate can or will do what they promise

Catholic senator in North Dakota challenges bishop's election letter

Holy Land -- Catholic churches condemn Israeli security barrier route near Bethlehem

Paris, France -- A drive to rekindle Roman Catholicism’s missionary zeal is struggling to counter the challenge of Islam, a religion with an arguably more direct message and a greater institutional hold on its faithful.

Interview with Cardinal Christoph Schönborn

NCR's sister publication, Celebration, posts reflections on each day's Scripture reading. Here's a link: You may want to bookmark it. It's a great way to begin the day.
