Morning Briefing

Russia says Syrian rebels might win; car bomb kills 16

International Community Considers Response to N. Korean Rocket Launch

In historic 113-104 vote, House approves reproductive health bill on second reading, Bishops vow to continue fight against it

Irish band the Saw Doctors took one of the most pivotal moments in the Catholic Church’s history and immortalised it in one of their most popular hits, "Howya Julia." The song’s about Eamon Casey, bishop Emiratus of Galway and Kilmacduagh, Ireland, who had a sexual relationship with an American divorcee , who fell pregnant and told the Irish Times the story. “That opened the gates for other investigations into the church. Before this, everyone believed everything they were told by the church – it had so much power over everybody.”

British Colombia -- Catholic priest charged with sexual assault given post to avoid kids, court hears

NCR's sister publication, Celebration, posts reflections on each day's Scripture reading. Here's a link: You may want to bookmark it. It's a great way to begin the day.

Man gets 2 to 6 years for scamming priest, 91, out of $500,000

Filling the black hole in Utah's Catholic history

A Filipino Catholic priest wanted in the United States for theft and possession of child pornography has surrendered to Philippine authorities after more than a year as a fugitive.

Pittsburgh, Pa. -- The twin spires of the former SS. Peter and Paul Roman Catholic Church rise high above East Liberty. It looks, from a distance, like a cathedral still sits triumphantly on Larimer Avenue. Up close you see heaps of trash dumped on the property and graffiti scrawled on walls. What is its future?

San Antonio, Texas -- More than 250 Catholics walked a 17-mile route from the edge of the Hill Country to the city's inner West Side on Wednesday to celebrate the feast day of Our Lady of Guadalupe.

Wisconsin State Journal: readers react to banned nuns, Bishop Morlino applauded, denounced

NCR Book Club: Author provides lens on Latino culture force

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