Morning Briefing

draw_francis.jpgHave you entered Religion News Service's "Pope Francis Art Contest." Time is running out -- make sure you enter today.

Commentary from Down Under: Reshaping the Church with Bishop Robinson and Pope Francis

Evangelizing the institutional church: an interview with Helmut Schüller

NY Archbishop Dolan: Francis is, and isn't, what we expected

Commentary: Chaput's "Right-wing Funk"

New Castle, Australia -- Australian Catholic Bishops Conference general secretary in the dock. His advise to bishops: Don't sheild priest abusers, but protect yourself legally.

Archdiocese of New York will let nonprofit run six struggling Catholic schools

Philippines education secretary "strongly suggests" Muslim teachers not wear niqab (full face veil) in front of pupils. The ruling does not apply to the hijab - garments that cover the head only.

United Kingdom -- Is it time the Catholic Church got out of the marriage business?

Hong Kong: Catholic diocese backs civil disobedience actsSays civil disobedience could be seen as "reasonable" in exceptional cases. Statement comes as activist prepare a mass civil disobedience campaign in 2014 to push for universal suffrage in the special administrative district of China

Edinburgh, Scotland -- Catholics in Scotland 'anxious to move on' after scandal. Last archbishop resigned over inappropriate sexual conduct. Successor vows allegations will be investigated

EDITORIAL: Archdiocese of Detroit models how not to close a parish

United Kingdom: Anglican and Catholic Bishops’ meet with Israeli Ambassador

PP-header2.jpgLooking for an a little inspiration to begin your day?  NCR's sister publication, Celebration, gives you two options, both based on the Scripture readings of the day:

Pencil Preaching is blog that Celebration editor Pat Marrin combines scripture and sketching to reflect on the word.

Daily Bread is a series short reflections, written by four authors who meet regularly to share the readings. Daily Bread is intended to help daily preachers and others who pray from the assigned scriptures each day to orient themselves to the Living Word addressed to the church in the world. It's a great way to begin the day.

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