Morning Briefing

by Joshua J. McElwee

News Editor

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From World Youth Day: Singing in the rain at Copacabana

Fr. Helmut Schüller in Chicago: Bishops have 'no influence' on young people's thinking

Schüller, an Austrian priest calling for church reform, was banned this morning from speaking at Catholic parishes in Detroit. It's the third diocese to issue a ban after Philadelphia and Boston.

Catholic Congressman tells bishops, nuns: On immigration reform, Catholics need pulpit speak

Arlington, Va. -- Catholic diocese says Catholic woman among Spanish train victims

Elk Township, N.J. -- New Catholic church stalled by funding issues

On Capitol Hill: Nuns on the Bus push Congress to pass immigration reform

In Edinburgh, Scotland: Local paper welcomes appointment of new archbishop but says he has "a lot of challenges" following resignation of Cardinal Keith O'Brien.

Irish columnist says Catholic parishioners may "revolt" against the church because of mishandling of sex abuse by clergy.

Same-sex couples in Ohio ask: Will the church allow us to be buried in church cemeteries?

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