Morning Briefing, International

by Joshua J. McElwee

News Editor

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Welcome back to your new weekly international edition of Morning Briefing, where we try to highlight a little of what's going on around the world.

First, what you may have missed from NCR yesterday:

Vatican's Cardinal Pell admits not reporting teacher 'misbehaving with boys' in 1970s

Vatican's doctrinal chief: Most priests 'bitterly wronged' by abuse generalizations

And from Global Sisters Report:

From Latin to Vietnamese: Liturgical group's Bible translations let people live out their faith

Catholic Charities project helps refugees plant roots in Kansas City

From around the globe:

UK: British Lord Jonathan Sacks, former UK chief rabbi, wins Templeton Prize

Latest on Brexit: France warns: Should Britain leave EU, we'll send migrants to UK       

Continuing refugee crisis:

10,000 refugees and migrants trapped in Greece, hoping to go to Macedonia

Team of refugees to compete under Olympic flag at 2016 Olympics in Rio

Remember the furor over safari animal killings? Kenya's canine cops sniff out illegal ivory

From Italy with love:

Italy's La Repubblica to merge with La Stampa and Il Secolo XIX papers            

Polluted Milan might pay commuters to bike to work

Italy recoups $16.2 billion in unpaid taxes in 2015

Italy’s answer to Alcatraz, the island vineyard where inmates are taught the secrets of winemaking

Something to highlight for next week? Drop me a line:

[Joshua J. McElwee is NCR Vatican correspondent. His email address is Follow him on Twitter: @joshjmac.]

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Or reflect on Pencil Preaching.jpgPencil Preaching by Pat Marrin. Every morning Pat Marrin breaks open the Word with a pencil sketch and a short meditation.

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