Morning Briefing, International

by Joshua J. McElwee

News Editor

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Welcome back to your weekly international edition of Morning Briefing, where we try to highlight a little of what's going on around the world.

First, from NCR yesterday:

Bishop McElroy calls for 'widespread opposition' to massive deportations

Despite cardinals' challenge, 'Amoris Laetitia' is clear about mercy

And from Global Sisters Report:

In outskirts of Ecuador's largest city, two sisters improve lives

Slain Missionaries of Charity nun revered as martyr in eastern India

Continuing migrant crisis:

Italy sees record arrivals from North Africa

Turkey threatens EU with new surge

Rumors of migrant crackdown trigger rise in deadly sea crossings

Brexit frustrations:

Brexit: rising frustration across EU at Britain's unclear exit strategy

Why Theresa May holds her tongue about Brexit negotiations

Huge backlog as EU citizens rush to secure British residency

Parts far and wide:

US push to halt genocide in South Sudan unravels at United Nations

Colombia's Congress ratifies second peace deal with Marxist rebels

Russia deploys warships near Crimea for Ukrainian missile tests: RIA

South Korean opposition differs on Park impeachment with no end to crisis in sight

From Italy with love:

Italy’s Brexit moment? The complex constitutional referendum that could rock Europe

The Italian Referendum: What should we expect after Sunday?

Fears of political instability loom ahead of Italian constitutional referendum

The Italian movement that could remake Europe

Italian monastery seeks salvation in beer after devastating quake

Ideas for next week? Drop me a line:

[Joshua J. McElwee is NCR Vatican correspondent. His email address is Follow him on Twitter: @joshjmac.]

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