Morning Briefing, International

by Joshua J. McElwee

News Editor

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Welcome back to your weekly international edition of the daily briefing, where we highlight a little of what's going on around the world.

First, from NCR yesterday:

Knights of Malta leader resigns, pope to name delegate to run order

Redemptorist Fr. Tony Flannery celebrates Mass after five-year ban

And from Global Sisters Report:

Biblical scholar Sr. Sandra Schneiders celebrates four milestones

Britain's prime minister comes to meet Trump:

British PM to tell Trump UK and US can lead world again

A geopolitical odd couple with big implications for the West

Disappointment likely for British PM on US-UK trade deal

How the world sees Trump's first week:

The Dutch are opposing Trump by offering to fund abortions abroad

Report: Populist leaders often add to corruption they vow to rid from governments

Germany to abolish law on insulting foreign leaders — just in time for you know who

The U.S. Was Just Downgraded from a ‘Full’ to ‘Flawed Democracy’

Brexit frustrations:

Brexit Ruling Reveals Cracks in Britain's Centuries-old Institutions

In reversal, PM to make Brexit legislation public

British government straining under added Brexit workload

Labour won't give Theresa May a free pass on Brexit

Parts far and wide:

North Korean Defector Says Kim Jong-Un's Control Is Crumbling

France's conservative presidential hopeful racked by probe into payments to wife

From Italy with love:

Italian court revises election law, clearing way for new election

Italy offers non-doms la dolce vita with tax breaks

Only two EU countries are more corrupt than Italy               

Ideas for next week? Drop me a line:

[Joshua J. McElwee is NCR Vatican correspondent. His email address is Follow him on Twitter: @joshjmac.]

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