Morning Briefing, International

by Joshua J. McElwee

News Editor

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Welcome back to your weekly international edition of the daily briefing, where we highlight a little of what's going on around the world.

First, from NCR:

Francis on washing prisoners' feet: It's what Jesus told us to do

New clericalism is imposing old ways on modern church architecture

And from Global Sisters Report:

Legal moves stall San Rafael convent's plan to take in mothers

Greenhouses open doors for sisters who farm difficult land

Britain's EU exit

With Britain leaving Europe, can London remain a capital of the world?                             

EU in talks over sharing out Britain's MEP seats after Brexit                

Honing Brexit campaign, EU takes aim at UK residence red tape                

Theresa May's Brexit plan makes no sense for Britain but all the sense in the world for internal Tory politics

Parts far and wide:

Kim Jong Un's rockets are getting an important boost — from China                      

North Korea may be able to arm missiles with sarin, Japan PM says                  

France: Gasoline bomb hits Le Pen's Paris campaign office                   

Marine Le Pen Denies French Guilt for Rounding Up Jews                  

Syrian President Assad faces international pressure to step down, but in Damascus there is a mood of defiance

From Italy with love:

A Woman's Death Sorting Grapes Exposes Italy's 'Slavery'           

Forget France, Italy Could Be Markets' Big Risk

Italy approves measures to accelerate asylum procedures              

Fugitive Mexican Ex-Governor, Wanted in US, Is Captured in Italy

Rome's Trevi fountain holds nearly $1.5 million in loose change    

Ideas for next week? Drop me a line:

[Joshua J. McElwee is NCR Vatican correspondent. His email address is Follow him on Twitter: @joshjmac.]

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