Morning Briefing, International

by Joshua J. McElwee

News Editor

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Welcome back to your weekly international edition of the daily briefing, where we highlight a little of what's going on around the world.

First, from NCR:

Romero assassination case re-opened in El Salvador

Editorial: Knights' monetary influence skews our church

Michael Sean Winters writes about Canada's Salt & Light Media: Three popes and the power of communications

Jesuit in Myanmar says new Vatican relations sign of coming changes in country

And from Global Sisters Report:

Sisters in Ontario blend ecology and spirituality in retreat center ministry

Religious Sisters of Charity to relinquish role in health care group                        

Britain's suddenly close election:

Theresa May's Lead in British Polls Narrows After Missteps                

British PM May could lose majority in June 8 election: YouGov projection                      

Latest U.K. Polling Shock Puts Traders in Dark as Election Nears                

Labour's Jeremy Corbyn: An anti-establishment underdog who's got the 'X Factor'

Why the pollsters can't agree on UK election         

Parts far and wide:

Deadly Bombing in Kabul Is One of the Afghan War's Worst Strikes            

China Sees an Opening in Rift Between Trump and Germany                 

How the Venezuelan Opposition Could Win              

This Israeli Minister Could Block Trump Regional Peace Push                        

Philippines: Foreign Fighters Among 500 Militants in Marawi Siege                      

Washington round-up:

Hillary Clinton Blames the Russians, Facebook, and Fake News for Her Loss                   

Supreme Court's Protest Ban Doesn't Infringe Religious Rights

World Awaits Trump Decision on US Future in Paris Accord

Trump administration moves to return Russian compounds in Maryland and New York

Dispute erupts over House panel subpoenas for CIA, FBI                    

Congress Looking at Another Possible Sessions-Kislyak Meeting

From Italy with love:

Italy Moves Toward Early Vote as Election Law Deal Nears        

Former PM Renzi suggests next election be synchronized with Germany's

Italy's Ailing Banks May Lose $11 Billion in Bad Loan Sales

With Italy No Longer in US Focus, Russia Swoops to Fill the Void

Italy Unemployment Rate Fell to Almost 5-Year Low in April

Ideas for next week? Drop me a line:

[Joshua J. McElwee is NCR Vatican correspondent. His email address is Follow him on Twitter: @joshjmac.]

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