Most read stories in April

The most read stories on the NCR web site in April were, far away, the two stories Jason Berry filed about Fr. Maciel and the Legion of Christ: and . Following this stories were:

  1. NCR Today, our group blog
  2. Vatican disses one of its own on sex abuse, about Colombian Cardinal Dario Castrillón Hoyos
  3. Greensburg bishop denies women's order recruitment request
  4. Is middle ground possible on the Pope?, a column by John Allen
  5. Vatican cardinal bucked US bishop on abuse, another story about Colombian Cardinal Dario Castrillón Hoyos
  6. Secret sex in the celibate system, one of the artilces from our "Examining the Crisis" series.
  7. Can a teaching pope get his house in order?
  8. Editor of Vatican paper comes out swinging on crisis
  9. t

  10. R.I. hospital latest victim in health care flap
  11. Four points to make about Gomez and L.A., a column by John Allen
  12. Church Accountability, a collection of our stories tracking accountability in church structures, including sex abuse, finances and personnel
  13. Divided loyalties: an incredible situation, a column by Sr. Joan Chittister

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