At NCR's Washington Briefing today

by Joshua J. McElwee

News Editor

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Today is the day!

After months of preparation NCR's" Washington Briefing for the Nation's Catholic Community" is underway in a crowded room here at Trinity University in Washington, D.C. We've got two days full of different speakers and panels ready on a variety of subjects, all with an eye to how Catholics can articulate a vision of our community as advocate, leader and moral compass.

For those who aren't able to join us I'll be blogging bit by bit as we go through the day today. As our publisher Joe Feuerherd just said in his opening remarks, “The Catholic community is a model for a particular style of civic engagement.” Keep checking back to see what that style of civic engagement has to say about our nation today.

Next up: John Allen moderates a panel of US/Vatican relations in the 21st century.

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