New delegation goes to Honduras

A new delegation of North Americans concerned about human rights arrived in Honduras Aug. 18 for a week-long mission of solidarity and accompaniment. It’s needed. Grassroots organizations opposing the coup continue to demonstrate daily, and meet with government repression.

This new delegation includes Jean Stokan, director of the Sisters of Mercy of the Americas’ Justice Team, Diane Guerin, RSM, justice coordinator for the Mid-Atlantic Sisters of Mercy; Edia Lopez, RSM, of the Caribbean, Central America and South America Mercy Community; and Marie Dennis, of the Maryknoll Washington office and co-president of Pax Christi International.

Amnesty International’s recent report on Honduras echoed the findings of the Quixote Center delegation in the past couple weeks, reporting serious violations of civil and human rights, particularly directed at those voicing opposition to the coup and calling for constitutional order to be restored. The new delegation, like previous ones, will document any violations and lend protection against further human rights abuses by providing an international presence and witness to events.

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