New head of U.S. Holy Cross priests and brothers

by Joshua J. McElwee

News Editor

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The province of Holy Cross priests and brothers that represents the international order in the U.S. has a new head, the order announced Monday.

Fr. Thomas J. O'Hara, who until last year was the president of King's College in Pennsylvania, has been elected to the role of provincial superior of the United States Province of the Congregation of Holy Cross, according to a Monday press release.

From the release:

Notre Dame, Ind. -- Rev. Thomas J. O’Hara, C.S.C., was elected as the new Provincial Superior of the Congregation of Holy Cross, United States Province of Priests and Brothers by the Provincial Chapter in Portland, Ore., on Friday, June 15 (Feast Day of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus).

Fr. O’Hara is the first elected Provincial of the newly merged United States Province. The Eastern Province merged into the Indiana Province forming the United States Province of Priests and Brothers, which became effective on July 1, 2011.

“I am both honored and humbled to be chosen to serve my fellow Holy Cross religious as Provincial of the United States Province of Priests and Brothers as we strive to serve the people of God,” said Fr. O’Hara after Friday’s election.

As Provincial Superior, Fr. O’Hara will oversee the work and welfare of more than 500 priests, brothers and seminarians in the U.S. Province. He succeeds Rev. David T. Tyson, who served as Provincial Superior for 9 years.

The U.S. Province carries out the vision of founder Blessed Basil Moreau to make God known, loved and served through four institutions of higher education and 13 parishes in the United States and two in Mexico. In addition, the Province has apostolates and missions in East Africa, Chile, Peru, and Mexico.

The Constitutions of the Congregation of Holy Cross give the Provincial Superior authority over all members and houses in the Province. He is elected by at least two-thirds vote of the Chapter and confirmed by the Congregation’s Superior General in Rome, Rev. Richard Warner. The term of the Provincial Superior is six years, but he may be elected to a consecutive term of three years.

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